I can…

More and more often we are hearing that the world’s population is becoming increasingly more obese. This has a lot to do with our modern, and rushed, lifestyles i.e. sitting in traffic, behind a desk, getting home and being too tired to do more than make dinner, and collapse on the couch.

In this series I will be providing you with a few tips and tricks, to help you get back to the “Well You”. These are small changes that you can make to your daily routine, without you breaking too much of a sweat.

Tip #1 – increase your daily steps

  • When going to work, or the shops, park further away from the door way – by walking further, you need to do more steps;
  • Is there is a park, or a small block, near to where you work or live? If yes, take two breaks during the day (morning and afternoon) and make a point of walking around them – I make a point of doing this myself each day. The air and leg stretch help me with my focus and concentration during the day

(idea – if you are feeling particularly good/ strong on the day, pick up your walking speed. By doing that you will raise your heart rate, burn more calories, and produce more of those happy endorphins J );

  • Do you use the elevator/ escalator at work, or the shopping centre? Don’t! stop that right now. Take the stairs. You will increase your heart rate, and enjoy the benefits mentioned above;
  • Clean the house or garden – these are chores we all dislike, but you would be surprised how quickly, with all the moving around, you can accumulate those steps.

Tip #2 – Not sure how to keep track of your steps, or set a new steps goal? Here are some ideas:

  • Download an application onto your smart phone. Here are some options on the android operating system:
Pedometer & Weight Loss Coach






Samsung phones also give you access to the S-Health app


  • Buy an activity tracking device i.e.

– Apple watch, Samsung Gear watch, Polar device, Garmin device, a Fitbit

  • Measure the distance by driving it in your car

If you really are stuck, get in your car, and measure the distance you want to walk each day. If the distance you decide to walk is 500m, and you do that twice a day, that is 1 kilometer. That is approximately 1320 steps!

As you get fitter and stronger, and are able to walk more quickly, you can try and do that 500m loop twice in one go (therefore 1km at one time). if you do that twice a day, that is 2km, which is approximately 2640 steps.
